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Urban Building

This arm of Stantons is the industry leader for WA’s public sector and corporate space

The Stantons Corporate & Advisory â€‹Executive Team


Probity & Procurement


This arm of Stantons is the industry leader for WA’s public sector and corporate space and calls on other specialised skills within the business to support the complex processes of managing the conduct of procurement activities and the provision of over-arching probity support. 


Our record providing probity advisory support to all levels of government has established us as a national leader in the field, supporting complex and high value procurement projects.


Our probity auditors review a procurement or contracting process at key milestones throughout the process to certify proper policies and practices have been met. Where necessary, we issue a probity opinion on the conduct of that process.


We will appoint an independent advisor to a procurement or contracting process team who will advise on potential probity risks, their treatment and management and any specific issues as they arise, while certifying at key milestones, or at the conclusion of the process, if an aggrieved proponent may challenge the outcome based on procedural fairness and sound governance.


In an age where litigation is common and corporate reputational risk front and centre of all directors, Stantons will make a valuable contribution to reducing risk and enhancing governance processes. 


Probity should be seen as a value-adding function, with the biggest direct saving through our involvement with a client being a direct saving of over $10m for one project. 

Key Contact


Kevin Donnelly

Probity & Procurement


Our Partners



40 Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

PO Box 
1908, West Perth WA
6872, Australia



© Stantons International

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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